Buying with your heart or your head?

Should you buy emotionally or objectively?     Whilst we want to make the very best decision, logically and practically for the property which will be the very best fit for our family, there’s no doubt our emotion plays a huge part in our decision, most particularly when looking for a HOME.     Emotion can get in the way of a good decision – causing us to overstate and/or understate the true and best features of a property.

Presentation – most definitely has a major impact on how buyers can perceive a property, as it largely determines the emotional reaction buyers will have, particularly when looking for their HOME.    Be aware of the staged home!

When buying or selling, being aware of the emotional appeal is so vital.   Sellers need to ensure they enhance emotional appeal, however  Buyers need to ensure that they don’t pay for an emotional appeal that won’t be there once the seller vacates.    How do you think the property will feel with your family and furniture in it, is it a practical fit, is there space to grow if you need to.

Don’t miss the best buys – Don’t ignore the poorly presented as sometimes poor presentation will cause buyers to believe a property is inferior when in reality what’s required is only cosmetic, and there may well be more yard space that can be seen upon first inspection.

Oftentimes the most poorly presented properties lacking emotion are the best “buys”.  The more you inspect a property, the more you will see whether you can see yourself and your family living there.


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Buying with your heart or your head?